ClickLMS Release Notes
January 2025
Set a specific course completion date - By default, the date on a Learner's certificate is the date the Learner completes all learning content within the course. However there are scenarios where you may want the certificate to reflect the date of an actual event.
For example, if you host a webinar, or you run an in-person 'Face to Face' event, you may want the date on the certificate to reflect the actual day of the event rather than the date the course is 'completed' in the system. Consider a webinar is hosted on the 1st January but the Learner doesn't complete the self-reflection activity until the 5th January. Under default rules the date on the certificate would be the 5th and not the 1st January.
Or, you may run external events outside of the ClickLMS site and would like to retrospectively award CPD and issue certificates for this event - you need a way to set a date in the past on the certificate.
You can now do this on the 'Certificate' page when creating your course. You can override the default course completion date rule and set a specific date (in the future or past).
When the learner completes the course, the date you set appears on the certificate. In the case of the webinar example above, you would set the course completion date as the 1st January on the 'Certificate' page and then the Learner's certificate will state 1st January, even if the self-reflection and course is completed at a later date.
The same functionality is also available when you 'Re-issue' a Learner's certificate - one example might be where a learner has completed the bulk of a course in the past but may have neglected to mark a final resource as complete.
When returning to the site you, or the learner, may have forced this final resource complete, updating the certificate with today's date. You can now change this date and overwrite it with a date that reflects when the course was actually completed.
Updates to the membership renewal process - We have tidied up the messaging that your Learners will receive if their membership is due to expire but there are no options open for renewal on your Site.
Learners will no longer receive reminders to renew when they log in or via email. Instead they will receive an email notifying them that they are due to expire and a further email once they have expired.
When they log in they will be notified of their expiry date and the limited functionality they will have access to after their membership has expired.
For more information on how to make a membership product available for renewal please see this article in our Help Centre -> Help Article
November 2024
New Question type 'Matching Pairs' - This question type allows you to present a lead-in statement/question with two lists of 'prompts' and 'answers' to the learner.
The learner will be required to match the prompt with the appropriate answer e.g. From the list below match the capital city to the correct country, or match the appropriate treatment to the symptoms described. The learner will be presented with the answers in a randomised order, and asked to drag and drop them to match the correct prompt.
For more information on this new feature, please take a look at this article in our Help Centre -> Help Article
'Automated Course Enrolments' - This feature allows you to automatically enrol learners onto one or more courses on completion of a first course e.g. Complete Course A and auto-enrol the learner to Course B and Course C.
This feature could be used in a couple of key ways, 1. To offer a 'buy one course, get access to X courses for free on completion' like a 'Mini-bundle' proposition, or 2. to create a more linear 'Learning Path' e.g. Complete the Introductory course, then the learner will be enrolled to the intermediate course and so on - the courses can effectively be 'chained' together to create a learning path.
You can add the course(s) learners should be auto-enrolled to upon course completion from the course 'Settings' page.
We have added a comprehensive overview of this feature and how to get started in our Help Centre -> Help Article
Enhancement to the Face to Face Lesson Type feature - When adding a 'Face to Face Lesson' to your course you can now format the text in the 'Location & Information for Attendees' field and add URL links so that Learners can click through to an external website to access the 'Face to Face Lesson' or additional details about the event (e.g. google maps).
As an example, this allows you to embed a Zoom or Microsoft Teams webinar link in the 'Location & Information for Attendees' field. This will then be visible to the Learner on the event 'RSVP' form so that on the day/time of the event Learners can just use this link to access thee session, and then post-event you can verify their attendance on the ClickLMS site to award the relevant CPD time and certificates to each attendee.
There is a Help Centre article that outlines the full functionality of the Face to Face Lesson type here -> Help Article
October 2024
New 'Face to Face' Feature - We have launched a new feature that will allow you to schedule an event that is hosted outside of the ClickLMS learning platform within a course (e.g. a residential course or zoom meeting). This will allow you to manage all your training content in one place. Learners will be able to pay for, and enrol to, these events from the Catalogue; Learners can RSVP and share any specific requirements in advance of the session; and you will be able to manage attendance and award CPD/Learning Time for the session. You may choose to make the 'Face to Face' session the only item in a course or you can combine it with additional learning resources (e.g. videos, PDFs), Assignments and Questionnaires.
You can find out more details about this feature here.
PDF Viewer Enhancements - We have made some improvements to the way PDFs display on all device types.
Learner Course Activity Numbers - Learners will now be able to see an overview of the number of courses they are actively enrolled to and the number of courses they have completed on their 'My Account' page. Please note that if the Admin/Site Admin/Instructor deletes a course, the number the Learner sees will update to reflect that this course has been deleted from the platform.
Admin/Site Admin/Instructor Course Activity Numbers: On the 'My Account' page for platform administrators and instructors we have introduced three new data points to better understand the levels of activity on your learning site:
- Courses Created: This is the number of courses created and published by the user. Courses in draft status that have never been published are not included. If a course is deleted, the number reduces.
- Active Learners: This is the unique count of Learners enrolled in courses created and published by the Admin/Site Admin/Instructor e.g. the Admin has created 20 courses and there are 10 unique Learners enrolled to one or more of these 20 courses, the number presented will be 10 active learners.
- Total Enrolments: This is the sum of all Learner enrolments across all courses created by the Admin/Site Admin/Instructor e.g. the Admin has a total of 30 Learners each enrolled to their 20 courses, this will show as 600 total enrolments (30 learners x 20 courses).
March 2024: (part 2)
March 2024: (part 1)
In this month's release we have added some great additional functionality to aid with managing and delegating the running of your site to members of your team. In addition we have rolled out better search functionality across your sites to help all users locate the content they are looking for more easily.
Assistant 'Site Admins' - Until today only one user per site was able to perform the Administrator role, leading to the sharing of login details to help perform administrative functions across.
Now you can assign Administrative rights to one or more Instructors on your site - they will become 'Site Admins' and have access to the full suite of administrative functionality. There is no limit to the number of 'Site Admins' you can assign, but as they can view and edit all areas of your site (courses, learner profiles, company settings) we advise you to use this feature carefully!
This feature is available to all sites that have 'Additional Instructors' enabled - noted by seeing the 'Instructors' menu item when logged in as the main platform Administrator.
To use this feature, please go to the 'Instructors' page and simply toggle the control from red to green under the 'Site Admin' column header for the instructor you wish to grant administrative access to.
The next time they log in they will have full administrative access. To remove their 'Site Admin' access simply toggle the control back from green to red.
Please note, for security purposes only the designated 'Platform Administrator' (the original site Administrator) can enable/disable administrator access for your additional instructors. Please see the updated article on the different user roles and permissions on your site here.
Certificate Signature Picker - To help support the new 'Site Admin' functionality we have also introduced the ability to select which Instructor signature appears on a course certificate.
If you are the Platform Administrator or a Site Admin you will see a new drop down selector at the bottom of the create certificate page. By default the signatory is the Instructor that first created the course. 'Instructors' who do not have 'Site Admin' privileges will continue to only be able to edit their own created courses and will not be able to select a certificate signatory.
One potential use case for this new feature is you will now be able to delegate the creation of courses to your Site Admin(s) who can then select your Platform Administrator name, or any other Instructor name, to be on the course certificate.
Edit Instructor Profile Details - Platform Administrators and Site Admins can now edit the profile details of your additional Instructors. You are able to edit first name, last name, email address and username. The functionality works in the same way as the existing edit Learner profile details. Go to 'Instructors', locate the user and click their name. On their profile page click the pencil icon next to their name to edit any of these details.
Two New Site Fonts - We have added two new fonts; 'Montserrat' and 'Archivo'. These are both very readable, modern fonts. Montserrat is a wider font, a bit like the existing 'Verdana' font, and 'Archivo' is a little narrower than the default 'Open Sans' font on the site.
To ensure the web app remains as quick to load as possible we have removed two previous fonts that were not currently in use on any customer sites; 'Georgia' and 'Tahoma'. Please see the existing help article on How to Change the Font on your site here.
Enhanced search functionality across the site - We have rolled out the enhanced search functionality that launched with the Resource Centre across the rest of the Administrator and Learner sites. This now means you and your students can search by Learning resource name and/or file type in addition to course name, and course tags. We will in the future enable 'Additional Resources' and module titles to also be searchable.
Force Self-Reflection activities complete (GDC Platforms) - For GDC platforms, you can now force the 'Self Reflection' activity to complete in the same way you can force learning resources, assignments or questionnaires to complete. Simply select the 'Self-Reflection' item from the dropdown list of resources to force complete. Please see the existing help article on How to Force a Learner's Course to Complete here.
February 2024:
Assignments - Think of an Assignment like an offline project or question that you could set your Learners. The Assignment element appears in your course module after your Learning Resources and before an end of module Questionnaire. This new feature has been launched today and is available to all of our customers.
You add an assignment much like you add a Questionnaire today - simply create a new module, and below the 'Learning Resources' area, you will see a new 'Assignment' section - toggle this section from red to green, add a 'Title' and a 'Description' and your assignment is ready to be published.
An Assignment item in a module will be unlocked for a Learner once all preceding Learning Resources have been completed. In turn, the completion of an Assignment will unlock any Questionnaire that appears after it in the module. Your Learner can view the details of the assignment, upload their file and make their submission for your review. The whole upload, view submission and evaluation process is handled within your site. Learners are also notified via email of your evaluation decision and feedback.
You could use this feature as an alternative end of module assessment to a Questionnaire, setting the Learner a project to go away and complete offline. The Learner can then return to your site and upload their Assignment for you to evaluate.
You could also perhaps ask your Learners to reflect on the Learning Resources they have previously watched in the module. For example, they could be asked to watch a video and provide their observations on what went well, or what went wrong for you to review.
Or you could use the Assignment feature to ask your students to provide a full portfolio review of their work to date. To find out all the details, please view the latest article on our Help Centre here.
January 2024:
Resource Centre - The Resource Centre is a download library for your students - think of it like an in-built Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive on your ClickLMS site where you can upload assets, documents, templates, links etc for your students to search and download.
But thinking beyond just the sharing of templates, and further reading resources you could for example upload job postings, or share affiliate marketing links to other suppliers offering discounts or perhaps residential course providers you might have an agreement with.
To activate this feature go to 'Content' in the header menu, then 'Resource Centre' and toggle the feature from red to green. Your Students can then access the Resource Centre from their header menu.
Huge range of accepted file types:
The range of file types that can be uploaded is vast, from videos, images, documents, spreadsheets to fonts - we think we've got all the major types covered out of the box! (The full list is available on our Help Centre)
Includes ClickLMS Enhanced Search:
The 'Resource Centre' also includes our new 'Enhanced Search' feature, which enables deeper search terms by file name and file type to help you and your Students get to the content they want faster.
Manage access by Membership Product:
By default all Digital Downloads added to the Resource Centre are accessible to all students with an active membership but you can optionally add 'Access Rules' to withhold access to certain membership products. More information can be found on our Help Centre here.
November 2023:
IP Location Tracking - This new security feature allows you to identify from where and when your content is being accessed by your learners. Adding to the many layers of inbuilt security on ClickLMS, you can now access information to better understand if your content is being accessed from suspicious locations, or multiple locations at different times.
To activate this feature go to 'Settings' in the header menu, then 'Analytics & Tracking' - scroll to the bottom of this page to enable (or disable) this feature. If you enable this feature you may wish to inform your Learners that their IP address is being tracked by updating your Privacy Policy.
All future learning activities on your site will be tracked with their IP address and geographic location. To view the recorded information, navigate to a learner's 'Profile & Membership' page where their 'Recent Learning Activity' will be displayed. More information on our Help Centre here.
View & edit all learner profile fields - Platform administrators can now view and edit all learner profile details, including any Custom Registration Fields that might have been added. This builds on previous functionality to view and edit a learner's name, email and username.
To use this feature go to 'Learners' in the header menu, search for or select the learner's name to open their 'Profile & Membership' page. You will be presented with the full profile details of the learner, and to edit just click the pencil icon and save your changes. More information on our Help Centre here.
October 2023:
Change your platform font - Platform administrators can now change their platform font from the ‘Company Profile’ page in ‘Settings’ to more closely meet with your own branding styles. In this first release you can choose from six fonts; Open Sans, Arial, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana.
If you have sufficient web design skills, you may be able to use our new Code Injection feature to import your own font and use CSS to adjust your platform font. More information on our Help Centre here.
Code Injection - Platform Administrators can add your own code to the header and footer sections of your Learner site from the ‘Analytics & Tracking’ page in ‘Settings’. You could for example add analytics scripts, tracking codes, or custom styles.
This opens up the possibility of using Meta/Facebook Pixel tracking, Google tag manager, HubSpot CRM and others in addition to the existing support for Google Analytics. The custom code will be loaded on all pages of your Learner site. More information on our Help Centre here.
Webinar Dashboard - For platforms with the Webinar feature enabled, we have introduced a new Webinar Dashboard to make it easier to find the hosting and attendee links of planned webinars, as well as the recording links for completed webinars. The dashboard can be found in ‘Settings’ > ‘Webinars’. More information on our Help Centre here.
Manage Emails - ClickLMS sends email notifications to users of your site when certain actions are taken, such as when a new Learner registers to the platform, purchases a course or when a Learner is due to renew their membership.
You can now toggle these emails on or off from the ‘Platform Emails’ page in ‘Settings’, depending on whether you want these emails to be sent or not. You may wish to turn some of these off if you prefer to send your own custom emails. More information on our Help Centre here.
Opening Microsoft Edge browser on Desktop - As a Beta test we have opened up the Microsoft Edge browser for use on desktop/laptop computers. It will remain blocked on mobile as the Edge mobile browser continues to be unstable.
We do continue to recommend that Learners use Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox as the preferred internet browser as these are the most compatible with our course player and patented active learning trackers.
September 2023:
Site Builder / Custom landing pages (Beta version) - Platform administrators can now build their own landing pages / web pages to add to their ClickLMS platforms. These pages sit outside of your platform registration so will be visible to the broader public and offer you high levels of customisation in terms of imagery, videos, branding, and wording.
For example, you could build a landing page that showcases a particular course, and links through to the purchase page for that course, or perhaps you want to better communicate the specific benefits to prospective customers that each membership product offers before funnelling customers to a particular membership product registration page.
You can choose to use the in-built site blocks and editor to drag and drop the page to the layout and styling of your choosing. Alternatively you could build your page elsewhere (offline or on another site) and import all the HTML and CSS directly to your ClickLMS site.
This is the first release of the feature in Beta format, and while some technical web building skills would be beneficial, we hope you will find this new feature accessible to all. Depending on your feedback and the broader development pipeline we plan to expand this feature, adding more out of the box templates and components, in the near future.
Full documentation is still being written, but to begin working with this feature, please go to 'Settings' and select 'Custom Pages' in the left menu (you may need to refresh the page to update the menu items).
May 2023:
Add a third 'accreditation' logo to your course certificate - You now have the ability to add a third logo or image to your course certificate. We call it the 'accreditation logo' as it will appear above the quality assurance statement and certificate serial number at the bottom of the certificate - but in practice, you can upload any image or logo you wish. More information can be found here.
Disable email verification at registration - For security purposes your site will send an email activation link to verify a Learner's email address when they register by default. Until their email address has been verified they will not be able to access your site. However you can now turn this email verification step off if you want to speed up your Learner registration process. More information can be found here.
GDC Dental Platforms - In April we launched the new 'Self-Reflection Activity' at the end of every CPD course. We've improved this feature to now allow Learners to enter up to 3,000 characters instead of just 255. More detailed information about this feature can be found here.
Webinar CPD tracking efficiencies - We have deployed lighter and more efficient CPD activity code for platforms that offer live webinars using the in-built Bigbluebutton webinar software. If your platform is not using the strictest version of our patented activity tracker, then Learners will now experience a better user experience in the case of inactivity or end of course events being triggered. To learn more about integrating live lessons into your course, please read this article here. (Note live lessons is an optional add-on feature, please contact ClickLMS for more details).
April 2023:
Custom Registration Fields - You now have the ability to add up to four custom fields to your registration form, perhaps you would like to collect their clinic/practice name, a phone number, their business name, or where they heard about you. This information is then recorded in the Learner export report.
To add custom fields to your registration form please navigate to 'Settings' --> 'Platform Set-up' and you will find a new section at the top of the page. Please note that on GDC Dental platforms, the registration form already includes 'Job Title' and 'GDC Registration number' as optional fields. We are evaluating future releases to also include the custom field information on the Learner's profile page.
More detailed information about this new feature can be found here
GDC Dental Platforms - At the end of every CPD course, your Learners can now optionally capture their own 'Self-Reflections' on the course they have just completed. This information is then automatically reflected on the second page of their CPD course certificate, and in their PDP Activity Log. We think this is a fantastic enhancement to help your learners better capture the 'Reflect' element of the GDC's enhanced CPD framework. All learners are different, and these self-reflections are optional i.e. they can leave the field blank and add their reflections at a later date.
More detailed information about this new feature can be found here
SSO Activated Platforms - Platform Administrators can now activate Single Sign-on, and manage their security credentials, registration redirects and log out redirects directly from their Administrator Dashboard. To manage your credentials please navigate to 'Settings' --> 'Single Sign-on'
More detailed information about this new feature can be found here
March 2023:
After a short pause at the beginning of the year, yesterday we pushed through our first new enhancements of the year.
Firstly, we now offer a major new feature as an optional add-on that allows you to connect an existing membership site that you might manage with your ClickLMS site - we call this our Single Sign-on API. It has the power to make registration and logging in really seamless across your two sites - more details below, and do get in touch if you would like more information.
We launched our New ClickLMS Help Centre which provides in-depth guides and troubleshooting support for managing your site and your members. Need a quick answer to a ClickLMS related question, then our Help Centre (hopefully!) has the answer for you at the click of a button. Please take a look today, and bookmark this invaluable link!
Also this month we pushed through the first phase of learner self-reflection enhancements for our dental industry customers - with a second page on the CPD certificates to capture their self-reflections. There’s plenty more to come in this space, which will make the self-reflection process integrated into completing a CPD course.
And to round things off, we have also shortened the learner registration form by removing the ‘username’ field, and added to our secure payments handling to cover all recurring subscription payments - which should drive through more successful payments for your sites. Important: If you offer paid monthly subscriptions to your members, you may need to log into your Stripe Dashboard to enable full support for this secure payments feature.
August 2022:
This month’s release is centred on one major new feature release - the ability for prospective customers to purchase a course, and register to your platform in one simultaneous process.
It’s a feature that enhances both the first impressions your customers have with the platform, and helps simplify account administration and learner onboarding for you, the business owners.
We believe today’s release will increase your conversion rate, boost sales and make account administration a lot more efficient. It’s a win-win-win!
July 2022:
This releases gives you additional branding & customisation options, improved usability for your Learners and additional administrative controls for your members.
New enhancements launched:
- Align course certificates with your company branding - you can now customise your certificate colours from the colour palette tool.
- Ensure your platform emails stand out in your members’ inboxes - your company name will now appear as the sender of emails that go to your Learners (instead of ClickLMS Support).
- The Admin can now reset the learner's password from the learner's profile page.
- The Admin can now force an MCQ/questionnaire to complete on behalf of the learner.
- Additional instructors on your platform can now start building courses immediately without having to upload a certificate signature.
- To help you target additional course enrolments, the course reports now show Learners who have added the course to their wishlist but have not yet purchased/enrolled in the course.
- We have improved the activity tracker with even better accuracy and performance when a user has slow internet, or a slow device.
- For dental industry platforms, we’ve significantly reduced the file size of the PDP Activity Log export (by 90%!) and added the Learner’s total vCPD time to the PDF.
June 2022:
New enhancements to the platform to improve usability and help monetise your membership products.
New enhancements launched:
- The Admin/Instructor app is now responsive, meaning you can manage your platform from your tablet or mobile.
- For platforms affiliated to the GDC, we’ve added an optional field to the registration form to capture your Learners’ GDC number.
- Allow your members to pay in monthly instalments for access to your platform. Plus adjustments to the create/edit membership products interface.
- Simpler public course catalogue URL - For platforms that do not offer membership Products it is now even easier to showcase your course catalogue to prospective customers.
- Updates to the in-built text formatting tool - You can now include bullets and numbered lists, a small but often requested enhancement!
- Loading speed improvements to learner profile pages - We have redesigned the Admin's view of learner profiles: Now split into three sections to help with page load speed and usability.
- Admins can now export a CSV report with learner's progress by course from the Learner’s ‘Course Enrolments’ page.
- Learners can now export a CSV report with a list of all completed courses from their ‘Certificates’ page.
- Redesign of Admin view of learner profiles, membership details, courses and certificates which are now split into three sections to help with page load speed and usability.
- Upgrade to the Bigbluebutton webinar software release.
December 2021:
New features & enhancements launched:
- Make your course catalogue public - allow prospective members to view your course catalogue and course overview pages BEFORE they register for your site.
- Add a text description to your membership product that appears on the registration page to help better ‘sell’ the benefits of your membership.
- New Admin interface for creating and editing membership products.
- Increased platform customisation - you can now upload your own favicon to your site.
- Drip release module content to your learners - after a certain date or after a certain amount of time enrolled to the course.
- Additional information added to the learner CSV report - discount code used at registration & job title.
- Google Analytics upgrade - we’ve upgraded our Google Analytics integration to support newer “GA4” properties.
- Sharing platform links on social media - we’ve started to make some big behind the scenes changes to help better display key elements (logo, title, course descriptions) from your platform when you share links across different social media platforms and messaging apps
October 2021:ClickLMS-Release-Notes-October-2021.pdf
New features launched:
- Add an intro/promo video and headline to the top of your course
- Import/Re-use existing module content to your course
- Add a new question type to your questionnaires called ‘Sequence’ – your learners must then put the answers in the correct order
- Add ‘Additional Resources’ to your modules, like reference docs and links that are not mandatory parts of the course but are useful extras for your learners
- Review all learner course feedback comments and scores on the platform
- Choose which feedback comments to display in the course overview
- Schedule your course publishing and removal from sale dates
- Choose whether your learners should take modules in sequential order or any order
- Allow your learners to adjust the playback speed of videos in preview mode
- Choose the order you want to display your membership products on the registration page
September 2021:
New features launched:
- Add an intro/promo video and headline to the top of your course
- Import/Re-use existing module content to your course
- Add a new Question type called ‘Sequence’ – put the answers in the correct order
- Add ‘Additional Resources’ to your modules, like reference docs and links that do not form part of the course but are useful extras for your learners
- Review learner feedback comments and scores on the platform
- Choose which feedback comments to display in the course overview
- Schedule your course publishing and removal from sale dates
- Choose whether your learners should take modules in sequential order or any order
- Allow your learners to adjust the playback speed of videos in preview mode
- Choose the order you want to display your membership products on the registration page