How to schedule a webinar

This article covers how to schedule a webinar by adding it as a learning item in a course module.

For a full guide on how to create a course please have a look at this page.

If you would like to enable the webinar feature on your platform please contact

Scheduling a Live Lesson

From the create/edit module page in your course, navigate to the 'Learning Resources' section of the module. You can schedule one live lesson (webinar) per module by clicking ‘Add Webinar’ if this feature has been enabled on your platform.

Step 1

On the create/edit module page, scroll down to the 'Learning Resources' section and click 'Add Webinar' as shown below.

Step 2

Set the name, date, start time and the estimated number of CPD minutes available for the webinar. 

  • The 'Start Time' must be set using the 24 hour clock (e.g. if you plan to host your live lesson at 6pm please enter 18:00)
  • When you set the time of your webinar it will be based on your local time zone
  • In the 'CPD, mins' filed please enter the estimated duration of the live lesson (it doesn't matter if the actual live lesson ends up being shorter or longer than this estimate)

Once you click 'Add' you will be returned to the module overview page and you will see the webinar displayed in the 'Learning Resources' table.

You can edit the date and time of the webinar by clicking the edit icon next to the live lesson.

Please note that you can also add other learning resources to the module. However the 'Add Webinar' button will be disabled because you can only have one webinar per module. To add another webinar in the course please create a new module.

Step 3

When you are ready to publish your course to the Catalogue, simply click 'Publish' top right of the screen. This will trigger an email to be sent to the course creator (and Site Admin) containing a unique link to host each webinar within the course. You can also copy the hosting link and attendee link from the Webinar Dashboard.

Step 4

If you need to edit the date/time of you webinar you can do this after the course has been published from the module page by clicking the pencil icon next to the webinar in the 'Learning Resources' section.

When you save the changes, any learners already enrolled to the course will be automatically notified of the change via email.

For full details on how to access the webinar hosting link on the day of your event please visit this article.

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