Membership Duration: Expiry & Renewal Processes Explained
This article covers what happens if you limit the duration of your membership product:
- The first section will cover membership expiry.
- The second section covers membership renewal.
Membership Expiry
If you decide to limit the duration of your membership product, the Learner's membership will expire and they will need to renew their membership in order to retain access to your platform.
How to set membership expiry
From the Membership Product's 'Pricing & Duration' page you can select 'Limit to' and set how long the membership should last for.
For example if you select 1 year, the learner's membership will last 12 months from the day they register for the product:
- If the learner registers on the 1 January 2023, their membership will expire on 1 Jan 2024
- If the learner registers on the 2 January 2023, their membership will expire 2 Jan 2024
To learn more about what the Learner sees when their membership expires, please see our Help Article What happens when a Learner's membership expires
How does the Admin know that a Learner's membership has expired
There are a number of ways that you will be notified that the Learner's membership has expired:
- You will receive an email telling you that the learner's membership expired.
- On the 'Learners' page the Admin will see in the table that the 'Enabled' status is orange - this means the Learner's access has been limited due to expiry.
- If you navigate to the Learner's profile page, in the Membership Details section you will see that their status is set to 'Expired', and it will tell you the date of expiry.
- From the 'Learners' page you can also export all your Learner details to a csv. file - you can filter by all Learners with an 'Expired' status.
Membership Renewal
Membership renewal is NOT automatic. Your Learners will need to actively renew their membership if they want to retain access to your platform. And to be able to renew there must be membership products available for sale at renewal.
For more information on how you set rules around which membership are available for renewal please see this Help Article
We've built an automated renewal journey within the ClickLMS site.
How are Learners notified that they need to renew
Step 1: 21 days before the membership is due to expire, the Learner will be prompted to renew their membership by email and each time they log the site.
If the Learner navigates to their account page they will also see that their membership status is 'Pending Cancellation' and they will be able to click a button to 'Renew Now'.
Step 2: 7 days before the membership is due to expire, the learner will again be prompted by email to renew.
How does the Learner Renew
From the emails, alerts and the 'Renew Now' button on the Learner's 'Account' page, the Learner will be directed to the renewal form.
The renewal form contains a list of all membership products open for renewal. This means that the membership product must be:
- Published: This is done using the toggle shown below on the 'Membership Products' page in 'Settings'. It must be green and available for sale.
You can also do this my clicking the 'Publish' button form the actual Membership Product's page.
- Enabled for Renewal: The membership product must be available for renewal otherwise it will not appear on the renewal form even if it is 'Published'.
The memberships available to the learner will depend on the rules the Admin has established for each membership product:
Enable for Renewal - The Admin must select if the membership is available for renewal or not. If the Admin selects 'Not available for renewal' then the membership product will not be displayed on the renewal form for the learner to renew onto. If it is enabled for renewal then the learner will see the membership product in the drop down list on the renewal form.
Registration Rules - If the membership product is for 'private registration', then the membership product will only be displayed on the renewal form if the member is already registered to that membership (and it is enabled for renewal). If the Learner is not already registered to the product then it will not be visible on their renewal form. This feature is to allow you to offer more exclusive or 'hidden' membership to specific audiences.
Renewing before the existing membership has expired
The learner can renew BEFORE their current membership has expired (the renewal window opens 21 days before the membership is due to expire).
In this scenario the learner will renew onto the new membership product automatically on the day that their current membership expires. The Admin will see on the learner's profile page that the Learner has renewed and the date the renewal will take effect. The Learner will retain access to the platform throughout, and when the renewal takes effect they will simply see a revised Catalogue if renewing to a different membership product (or the same catalogue if renewing to the same product). They will not lose access to any courses they are already enrolled to OR that they have already completed.
Note: If the learner is part way through a course and they renew to a membership that does not include that course, they will still retain access as they are already enrolled to it.
If the membership the Learner is renewing onto requires a payment:
- If renewing to a membership product that requires a one off payment, that payment will be taken immediately at time of renewing but the member will not renew onto the new membership until their current membership expires
- If renewing to a membership that requires a monthly recurring payment OR a monthly installment, the first payment will not be taken until the current membership expires. For example if you current membership is due to expire on 31 May 2023 and you renew on 21 May 2023, the first payment will not be taken until 31 May when your current membership expires.
Renewing after the existing membership has expired
The learner can renew AFTER their current membership has expired.
The renewal will take effect immediately and any payments will be taken immediately at time of renewing.