What happens when a Learner's membership expires?

If you decide to limit the duration of your membership product, this means that the Learner's membership will expire and they will need to renew their membership in order to retain access to your platform (if you have membership products available for sale).

What happens when the membership expires

  1. The Learner will also receive a notification informing them that their membership has expired. They will have also received a reminder email 21 days and 7 days before their membership was due to expire.

  1. The Learner can still log in to the site but their access will be limited:
    1. They will no longer be able to access the Course Catalogue or the courses they were enrolled to.
    2. However they can still access their Certificates and Account page.

  1. If you are offering a membership renewal option , upon login, the Leaner will see an alert asking them to renew and they will land on the renewal form.

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