What is the ClickLMS patented active learning time tracker

This article covers what the ClickLMS patented active learning tracker does and how it can be configured to suit the needs of your platform.

Overview of the Active Learner Tracker Feature

At the core of the ClickLMS platform are our international patents which track all active learning online for platforms that want to offer CPD or certifiable credits to their Learners.

The platform will track that your Learners are active and present in real time on any learning resource pages – documents, images, videos, audio, webinars. This time is tracked down to the second.

CPD time and certifiable credits can then be awarded where the platform determines that the Learner is active and present when consuming Learning Resources. 

The Admin can configure how strict to make the platform with regards awarding CPD/professional credits.

  • Medium: The system will monitor whether a learner is actively present when taking a course. If a prolonged period of inactivity is detected, a pop-up will alert the learner during and at the end of learning resources. If no response is received from the learner, the learning resource will be paused. No time will be deducted for periods where the system deemed the learner to be inactive. Learners cannot skip forward in a video until they have watched it in full.
  • Strict: In addition to the 'Medium' settings, the system will deduct time for periods of inactivity if the learner does not respond to the pop-up alerts during and at the end of learning resources. Video and audio files will resume at the position where the learner was last known to be active. 

The 'Strict' setting gives you the best assurance that learners are actively present throughout your training material and only accrue learning time for periods where the learner is deemed to be present.

Important: There is also the option to turn this feature off. In this case, the system will not monitor whether a learner is actively present when taking a course. Learners can skip forward in videos and/or mark them as complete without watching them in full. The system will still record the actual time the learner spends in each learning resource which is available for you to view on their profile page. If you intend to offer verifiable CPD/CE or a professional accreditation, we recommend you add at least one questionnaire to a course.

What is CPD

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It’s a record of what you experience, learn and then apply.

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