Why is the video/audio quality not good?

1. Please check your internet connection, we recommend a download speed of at least 5.0mb per second for the best user experience. If your connection is slower than this videos may take longer to load. 

You can check your internet speed at speedtest.net

2. Please check the quality of the video / audio file you uploaded to the course. If you have uploaded lower quality videos, then there may be some delay in the video streaming. 

The following formatting will ensure optimal performance for your Learners across all device types and internet speeds. Handbrake is a great tool for compressing your video file size, without affecting the final output quality.

Recommended video spec:

  • Codec: h.264
  • File Type: mp4 
  • Resolution: between 720p or 1080p
  • Bitrate: up to 5,000 kbps (users with poor internet connections may not be able to play higher bitrate videos)
  • Framerate: constant, uyp to 30 frames per second (some devices cannot play variable framerate videos)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 works best for courses and landing pages
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