How do Learners change their email address

Either the Learner can do this themselves from their 'My Account' page OR the Admin can do this for the Learner Profile Page in the Admin Dashboard.

How the Learner changes their email address

1. The Learner should navigate to their 'My Account' page by clicking on the account icon or their name top right of the page (in the Learner site).

2. Scroll down to the 'Update Email Address' section and enter the current email associated with the account and then the new email address they would like to use (this will need to be entered twice).

3. Click 'Update' - they'll see a green confirmation message if successful and receive a confirmation email to the new address.

How the Admin can edit the Learner's email address

1. Go to 'Learners' in the header menu (in the Admin Dashboard).

2. Click the name of the Learner in the table to open their profile page

3. Click the edit icon next to the Learner's details (username, email address etc.)

4. Make your change to the email address and click 'Update'

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